About Long Eaton & District Talking Newspaper
Due to pressure of paid work, our Treasurer has given notice that she will be standing down but will remain in post until a successor if appointed.
Please read the following, and if this is something you are interested in, please contact Martin Sykes on 07970 914930 or email him on martysykes899@gmail.com for more information.
1. Treasurer will be a Trustee of the Charity and will attend six Thursday morning Trustees Meetings a year (every other month) at New Sawley Methodist Church.
2. Treasurer will spend circa 1 hour each month on the duties involved which are.
I. updating existing financial spreadsheet each month.
II. pay in occasional donations to their Bank.
III. make necessary payment by Direct Debit or Standing Order.
a) Rent to Sawley M.C.
b) LETN Insurance
c) RNIB Downloads
d) TNF UK Membership
3. a knowledge of bookkeeping and financial management is essential.
4. oversee the financial affairs of the organisation and ensure they are legal, constitutional and within accepted accounting practice.
5. task will be to transfer Banking to CAF Bank (on-line banking)
6. ensure proper records are kept and that effective financial procedures are in place.
a) Cheque signatories
b) Purchasing systems
7. monitor and report on the financial health and viability of the organisation to bi-monthly Trustees Meetings (balance sheet, cash flow etc.)
8. oversee the production of necessary financial reports/returns, accounts, and audits: liaising with our auditor.
9. prepare Year End Accounts for approval @ Trustees Meeting & AGM in November.
10. post accounts to Charity Commission Website.
11. all out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed.
12. the current Treasurer will work with the successful applicant to ensure a smooth transition.